$50 discount for Divide to Routeburn only.

Available for first confirmed booking for each day for the 2nd, 4th, and 6th February 2025.

Please quote special offer in the message box of the booking form.

We may have other dates available which are not listed.


10% Off for Wilderness Subscribers

10% 0ff for all Wilderness subscribers for all our car relocations. This discount does not apply to other specials.

If you aren’t a member, you can sign up here:
Wildcard partnership programme.

Being a member of wildcard gives access to other hiking special offers.

Bev's Tramping Gear

If you book a relocation with Trackhopper, we can transport Bev’s gear between Te Anau and Glenorchy for free. 

Book Here →

10% 0ff for FMC Members

10% 0ff for all FMC (Federated mountain club) members for all our car relocations. This discount does not apply to other specials.

If you aren’t a member, you can sign up online.

Being a member of FMC give access to other hiking special offers.

RAD Car Hire - 1 Day FREE

If you are hiking the Routeburn, Milford or Hump Ridge tracks, book 5 days of car hire with Rad car hire Queenstown and get 1 of those days for FREE! 

Use promo code ‘Trackhopper’.

Book Here →

The Routeburn Track Photo book by Ron Enzler $15

(usually $20) + postage ($3 in NZ)

For nine years Ron worked for The Department of Conservation in the Mt Aspiring National Park. Six summers were based on the Routeburn Track at Flats and Falls hut. For a change of pace he spent a season guiding on the track for Guided Nature Walks, and for 4 years relocated hikers’ vehicles for Trackhopper.

During 2015 & 2016 Ron combined his passion for photography with his passion for The Routeburn Track to produce this collection of photos.

With one of his photos from this book, he was a NZ Geographic Photographer of the year 2016 Finalist.

email us: info@trackhopper.co.nz

More of his photography can be found here on Flickr.